How Can We Help?

We are available to assist you through all stages of the funding process. Whether you’re searching for a funding partner, preparing for conversations or meetings with a foundation, putting together a proposal, or in need of assistance with a grant award, our office has the institutional expertise and knowledge to help you seamlessly navigate to your goal.

Our office maintains relationships with many foundations and corporations, and we actively partner with faculty to identify appropriate prospects and connect you to funding opportunities, advise you on donor engagement and proposals, and provide guidance on stewardship and reporting.

Grant Applications
We can assist faculty with the strategic preparation and submission of foundation grant applications by interpreting funding guidelines, contacting funders, and assisting with letters of inquiry and development of competitive proposals. We can also provide organizational information usually requested by funders, such as IRS letters, audited financial statements, and organizational budgets and information. Our office works closely with the Office of the Vice Chancellor of Research & Creative Activities and the UCLA Office of Contract and Grant Administration and can assist in reviewing and negotiating award language with philanthropic foundations.

These resources can help you begin your funding search and proposal planning. Please reach out to our office at 310-794-2315 or at for help navigating these resources:


The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research & Creative Activities

About UCLA

Our office works with the UCLA Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research & Creative Activities to provide logistical support, policy guidance, strategic advice, and assistance building relationships in furtherance of the UCLA research enterprise.

Funding and Award Opportunities for Faculty

Explore our list of current funding opportunities. If you would have questions or would like to submit a proposal, we’re here to help.

Limited Submissions

UCLA has an internal vetting process for Limited Submission funding opportunities. Review the current list and reach out to our office with questions about any of the foundation listings.


Please contact us to discuss how we might assist you in achieving your philanthropic objectives.
Tel 310.794.2315