Cross-Campus Connections to Meet Your Goals

We work closely with corporate funders to support UCLA’s mission and advance the strategic philanthropic goals of companies that seek to create lasting positive impact on our local and global communities.

Our office serves as a central connector at UCLA, offering industry partners a comprehensive range of opportunities to develop beneficial collaborations that can include engaging with and supporting our students; sponsoring our numerous programs, campus activities, and spaces; and connecting with our faculty who are leading critical research and innovation.


The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research & Creative Activities

We support the UCLA Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research & Creative Activities, which provides logistical support, policy guidance, strategic advice, and assistance in building relationships in furtherance of the UCLA research enterprise.

Technology Development Group

The Technology Development Group helps promote UCLA innovation, research, teaching, and entrepreneurship to benefit society and creates economic value to support UCLA’s scholarly and educational missions. We work closely with this office to help companies with:

  • Sponsored research
  • Technology transfer
  • Intellectual property
  • Licensing


Student Recruitment

A wide variety of career centers across campus can connect companies to student and alumni talent for internships, job opportunities, career events, mentoring, and more:

UCLA Career Center
Anderson School of Management
Fielding School of Public Health
UCLA School of Law
UCLA ONE for Alumni and Experienced Hires
Luskin School of Public Affairs
UCLA Extension
UCLA Samueli School of Engineering


Executive Education
UCLA Anderson School of Management

The Executive Education program at UCLA Anderson School of Management partners with organizations to prepare their executives for what’s next in the global marketplace. The program’s three-phase model is designed to optimize the learning process and turn leadership potential into reality.

Custom Program and Corporate Education UCLA Extension

UCLA Extension offers tailor-made training and educational experiences for your organization, with programs that are grounded in applied learning and bridge theory to practice.


Your company’s gift to UCLA can make real change in the world. Here are different ways to give:

Employee Matching Gifts

Your company can double your support to the university by contributing a matching gift.

Volunteer Opportunities

Time and passion are valuable to UCLA. Your employees can volunteer as individuals or as a group to sharpen important skills like teamwork and leadership. The possibilities to contribute are vast, from volunteering with students, parents, faculty, and staff to helping local community organizations succeed, to providing expertise to one of our advisory boards.

Please contact us to discuss how we might assist you in achieving your philanthropic objectives and how UCLA can partner with you to address the mission of the university.


Please contact us to discuss how we might assist you in achieving your philanthropic objectives.
Tel 310.794.2315