Your Trusted Guide to Campus Partnerships

The Office of Foundation Relations and Corporate Philanthropy serves as the central university office connecting private funders with university leadership, faculty and programs. We work closely with the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research & Creative Activities and our colleagues in Development situated in schools, centers and labs across campus. The mission of UCLA […]

Resources at Your Fingertips

These resources are available to help facilitate funding opportunities and partnerships at UCLA. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you need assistance navigating them.

How Can We Help?

We are available to assist you through all stages of the funding process. Whether you’re searching for a funding partner, preparing for conversations or meetings with a foundation, putting together a proposal, or in need of assistance with a grant award, our office has the institutional expertise and knowledge to help you seamlessly navigate to […]

Cross-Campus Connections to Meet Your Goals

We work closely with corporate funders to support UCLA’s mission and advance the strategic philanthropic goals of companies that seek to create lasting positive impact on our local and global communities. Our office serves as a central connector at UCLA, offering industry partners a comprehensive range of opportunities to develop beneficial collaborations that can include […]

Advancing Mutual Goals for Change and Impact

The Office of Foundation Relations and Corporate Philanthropy serves as the central hub for private foundations seeking to support research, education, and programs that align with their philanthropic mission and goals. With our fingers on the pulse of what’s happening throughout the university, we’re able to connect foundations to academic leaders and faculty in schools, […]